In a year marked by racial and societal tensions brought on by an uprising of white supremacists emboldened by a seemingly sympathetic leader in The United States our play seemed so much more relevant. Ostensibly our show was about questions surrounding the validity of the death penalty, but really it seemed to be about so much more; questions of personal morality and egotism, how white supremacists recruit and encourage their members through incredibly personal means, and an allegory on how we all must come face-to-face with the way a society as a whole, and individuals hold one another to account for the worst crimes of humanity. It was incredibly moving to work on this material with this particular group of collaborators.
I loved working with Cameron Gosselin as Bobby Rayburn, Regine Vital as Shawna, Robert Benton Orzalli as Sam, and the rest of the production team:
Director - Daniel Bourque
Producer - Lauren Elias
Asst Stage Manager - Naomi Ibasitas
Set Design - Megan Kineen
Asst Set Design & Makeup - Tori Dowd
Props Design - Gabriel Graetz
Lighting Design - Jeremy Stein
Costume Design - Nancy Ishihara
Sound Design - Grant Furgiuele
Dialect Coach - Meredith Stypinski
Fight Director - Rebecca Miller
Poster Art - Cristhian Mancinas-Garcia
Thanks so much to the Hub Theatre Company of Boston, this incredible team of artistic collaborators, and David Greenham for listing us among the Best of 2017 in Boston.
Here's hoping 2018 brings more work this rich and fulfilling into my life!